Jacqueline White | 97

Jacqueline Jane White is 98 years old this year. She was born in Beverly Hills, California. In the 1940s and 50s of the last century, Jacqueline was active on the big screen as an actress. Jacqueline started her acting career when she was discovered by a casting director, who saw her in a drama class at the University of California. At that time, she was working on her degree. Jacqueline is best remembered by fans from her appearance in Crossfire and The Narrow Margin.

From the 1940s to the 1950s, she worked for both MGM and RKO. When Jacqueline married Bruce Anderson, she retired from the industry in 1950. Since 2005, White has occasionally appeared in film conventions. In 2013, she participated in the annual TCM Classic Film Festival. Even while she was in retirement, director Richard Fleischer and producer Stanley Rubin offered her a co-starring role in The Narrow Margin. She is currently living in Houston, Texas with her family.
