Anthony Hopkins is a Welsh actor, composer, director, and film producer. He has received a number of awards, including an Academy Award, three BAFTAs, two Emmys, and the Cecil B. Demille Award. Even Queen Elizabeth II was impressed by his artistic prowess. When the California wildfires engulfed the houses in Anthony Hopkins’ neighborhood, his Malibu mansion was miraculously untouched. The legendary actor did not need to use his home insurance to have his house restored.

However, he is reportedly having it repaired for some other reasons. Due to heavy rains, the most extreme one in 40 years, the lander where his house stood turned into mud, resulting in erosion. Although it was left untouched by the fire, it was not standing dangerously close to the edge. As his house cost $4.9 million, it will be a significant loss for Anthony if something happens to it.
