Jeanne Marie Tripplehorn was born on June 10, 1963, she is an American actress. Her parents divorced when she was a little baby. She graduated from Edison High School in 1981 and studied at the University of Tulsa for a semester. She appeared on local TV shows and worked part-time. Then she worked full-time for the local rock radio station KMOD for a few years before going to Juilliard. Before she made a fortune off of making movies in the movie industry, Jeanne Tripplehorn began her acting career in the theater.

The accomplished actress earned her fame credits from popular films like The Firm, Sliding Doors, and Basic Instinct. In an interview with CNN, she mentioned that she had two family members who had each survived their difficult battles with cancer. Their struggles with the dreaded disease have made Tripplehorn extremely cautious of her own health, convincing her to pay better attention to the foods included in her dietary plan and probably getting good health insurance.
