Deborah Anne Mazar Corcos (born August 13, 1964) is an American actress. She is familiar to people by playing the role of sharp-tongued women. Debi Mazar is famous for her particular portrayals of cynical women in films like Goodfellas and Singles as well as in TV shows like Civil Wars and L.A. Law. Mazar used to work various odd jobs. she sold jewelry at Fiorucci with Linda Ramone and Joey Arias and worked as a dental assistant.

The actress has long dealt with insomnia since she was much younger, so she had to take sleeping pills because of her work’s demanding nature, only taking a break from them when she got knocked up. Mazar asserted that physical fitness is her own personal cure to her many sleepless nights. We’re glad she has never found herself in bankruptcy probably thanks to her own wise money management techniques.
