Dame Helen Mirren began acting at the age of 18, and she hasn’t stopped working since then.When she was 18 years old, she was successfully accepted by the National Youth Theatre through audition. 2 years later, she played Cleopatra in the NYT production of Antony and Cleopatra at the Old Vic. Mirren said that this role “started my career”. If you start that early in your career, it’s best to employ some kind of investment planning for your future.

Despite her battle against drug addiction which she struggled with in her 20s, she never did require a visit to a rehab center to live drug-free. When it comes to her radiant looks, Dame Mirren claims that she doesn’t follow a beauty routine, giving due credit to an eyelash growth serum. We can only wonder if that serum’s all we need to look like her, then we’ll go try it out ourselves.
