Anne Buydens | 101

Anne Buydens was born in Germany in 1919 and moved to Belgium when she was adolescent and became a Belgian citizen. In 1959, Buydens became an American citizen after marrying American actor Kirk Douglas. Buydens has an extremely keen sense of fashion, and she has always been listed in the international best-dressed list. Actress Anne Buydens left her mark in the industry, but she is also a generous philanthropist. Her contributions to the fight against women’s cancer and Alzheimer’s disease are impressive.

She is a German-born Belgian citizen, whose real name is actually Hannelore Marx. The choice to switch to a stage name isn’t at all uncommon for actors and actresses! Many choose to do it so that their names are easier to remember. Buydens finished her degree in Switzerland and is multilingual. In fact, she has done a lot of film subtitling work. In 1954, she married Kirk Douglas and they were blessed with two sons.
